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An adventure(2)





Playing out all possible scenarios in our heads before deciding to venture into the thick foliage, we confronted our fears of the unknown and soon, we were beneath the canopy of overhanging trees. Greeted by a maze of kaleidoscopic hues of fauna, we were in awe at the array of eye-catching and vividly-coloured wildlife. Despite this, Ben and I were still suspicious and wary. What if danger lurked ahead? Was Paws safe?

After what seemed like an eternity of sprinting to catch up with Paws, not only did Ben and I not find him, but we were also stopped in our tracks by an intimidating stop sign in the middle of the path. Both of us exchanged panicked glances and our eyes were as wide as saucers. It was probably dangerous to go beyond the stop sign, but we could hear Paws' furious barking in the distance, getting less and less audible. We were stuck in a dilemma. Should we move forward to catch up with Paws or…was there danger ahead? Paws was like a family member to us, but our parent would be extremely worried if we went missing.





